Getting your picture made can be easy, comfortable, & pleasurable.
Whether you are an entrepreneur taking on the online world or an established corporate executive, the right photograph is a vital component of building and maintain a personal brand. So many people put off having their portrait done because it can be an uncomfortable experience. You put so much time and effort into a photography experience, so you might as well enjoy it! Take heart: My expertise is not only photography - it’s setting you up to feel beautiful and magnetic!
I deliver high quality, stunning images that your soul recognizes, timelessly encapsulating your essence and personality. Your images enhance your presence, online and offline as well, so clients can connect with your core message and mission in a real way. Using personalized images with your own products or environment for your marketing materials is a great way to broadcast your message, and I can help with that, too!
Book your radiant, fun photo session today!
Personality Portrait Session $500
Do you want to have some time that is all about you, just for you?
Do you need new portraits for web, social media, or online dating photos?
Did you just realize you haven't had a new photo of yourself in years?
Included: 1 hour in Daylight Studio or one location, 2 outfits, full retouching, 10 high resolution & web ready images (+$25 per additional image).
Creative Portrait Session $850
Do you want a photo shoot with some time for expansive creativity and different outfits?
Do you have a location you love to be or fabulous dress to be seen in? Let's play and make art!
Do you need multiple looks for new products or promotions?
Included: 1 Hour Consultation, 2-4 hours on location or in studio, location scouting for an additional $150, multiple outfits and/or props, Pinboard for inspiration, full retouching, 25 high resolution & web ready images (+$25 per additional image).
Lifestyle Branding Session $1200
Is it time for you to have a website revamp or upgrade?
Are you launching a new intellectual product?
Working on something, still yet mysterious and need that collaboration to create something brand new to step into?
Do you need personalized stock photography for your business?
Included: 4 hours on locations/studio, showcasing your environment, offerings and/or products, 1 hour consultation with you and your creative team, Pinboard for inspiration, Location Scouting, backdrops, props and embellishments as needed. Full retouching on 40 high resolution & web ready images (+$25 per additional image).
Quote depending on scope and scale of project as well as travel. I would love to be a part of what you have created!
Have you been needing new portraits for your business, website, or social media?
Isn't it always almost the perfect time for you to have a fresh, updated image?
I occasionally organize Mini Session Portrait Days at various pop up locations. Feel free to contact me to inquire.